Sound works at Schloßplatz in Berlin
A project by Georg Weckwerth and Peter Szely
A programme of sound works by international artists
at the “Übergangsnutzung
Schlossareal Berlin”.
These artists' multi-channelled compositions go well
beyond the standard stereophonic experience, creating
captivating acoustic
architectures and sound spaces.
Suk-Jun Kim* [KOR]
In Tune, Out of Tune, 2009**
8-channel composition
Length 17:33 min
Humming by Gabriel, Heidemarie, Horst, Lena, Isabel, Martin, Penko,
Ulrika, Sebastian, Sabine, Gwydion, Sophie, Michael, Folkmar, Gabi,
Nick, Fred, Shai, Dave, Maebh, Anders, Rosemarie, Stephanie,
Stefan, Daisuke, Doris, Michael, Valerie, Frank, Nora, Christian,
Heinz, Andrea, Elke, Katharina, Lee, Ada, Luise, Jutta, Florian,
Kyoungjin, Wonjun, Soobin, Joonsik, Yesol, Soyun, Eunkyoung,
Chikook, Alexander, Verity u.a.
*guest of the Berliner artist programme DAAD
**in cooperation with Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD
Schloßplatz Berlin/Mitte
Bench line between Berlin Cathedral and Academy of
Music Hanns Eisler [nearby the Humboldt-Box]
Daily 8am to 10pm (two times per hour)
Opening: Su 11.10.09, 11:30am
Opening words:
Georg Weckwerth [artistic director of TONSPUR]
Folkmar Hein [till February 2009 head of the
Electronic Studio of the TU Berlin] – read
IN TUNE, OUT OF TUNE "Do you have a song that reminds you of your childhood?
Would you hum it for me?"
Now that the Palace of the Republic is gone, we have this green place. What is this strange place? To me, this place is unreal; as if it were stripped of its context. At least, this place is comforting, like any open, green grass would be. Lying in the middle of the grass, suddenly I can imagine hearing people humming. Perfect. Of course, people would hum in this kind of a place. But what would they hum? So I asked some fifty people who have lived in Berlin, long enough to witness the heated debates about, and the consequent demolition of the Palace of the Republic. And, they hum like this. Suk-Jun Kim, October 2009
Born 1970 in Taebaek (Korea), lives with his wife and their cats at present
in Berlin.
Text follows... Georg Weckwerth, October 2009